One of my worst night mares after getting married was having abortions after second trimester.This made me extremely depressed and made me life without goal.
I was an extremely optimistic girl with happiness around me.I got married at an very young age but could not get kids because of repeated abortions i had.This made me feel depressed and gave me traumatic experience everytime i used to go for D and C after abortion.After going throuhg hell of 7 years of childlessness.I stopped everyday stressful activities like fulltime job and disconnected all of my friends and relatives.The main reason to get disconnected with them the repeated questions i used to get from them about my abortions.
I went for exploring world for 2 months and then returned had no job ..etc but had some savings.After 5 months of joblessness and stressfree life i can see lots of change in my mental wellbeing and in my body.I was average weighed person not obese.I started eating fresh food always avoided food with preservatives .Always fresh and home cooked food started meditating and taking supplements and was going for 3 miles walk everyday.
This was the first step helped me to get pregnant and resting and relaxing getting rid of all the stress helped me become pregnant 8 months after i stopped my job and had stressfree life.
Yes today i am proud that my stomach has all the mama lines and wrinkles.
Salute to all mothers who carry thier child and take care of them rest of thier life.
Dont worry that you got aborted find the problem which is hindring you to get pregnant.Always be positive and think positive dont get depressed.
You have lots of tries for getting pregnant.
Have a lovely pregnancy and enojoy motherhood.