Minimalism starts from a secret place in your house.Saving and Minimalism.

2 min readFeb 9, 2021


One of the ways for minimalistic living is to check where your spending more and try to cut back all the unnecessary spending.How can you have a minimalistic living in your life with kitchen being a source to start for a minimalistic living.

Cut the costs from your Kitchen

Your wondering why does the author wants to start from the kitchen Strange Right? Because lots of prestigous Universities research says that we spend lots of money on buying food which can be take away food,groceries..etc.Thats why after all my internet research,my own research in my family and my life experience says minimalism start from the kitchen.

What are those basic things to be remembered while your going to buy groceries or buying food from a restaurant.

Stop spending more money on take aways

Shut/turn off the refrigerator when your on vacation.

Turn off the chargers of your laptopsand phones even though they are fully charged some people will forget to turn off.

Declutter your closets in kitchen.

Declutter your Refrigerator.

If your not using vegetables for more than two days then try to make use of it in your cooking.You can make veggie smoothies or veggie patties or veggie burgers.

Try to soak all the lentils,pulses,rice,bulgur before you cook.It will not only reduce cooking time but also electricity usage.Normally it will take more time for boiling the above my grandmother said just soak it will take get cooked fast.

Start using pressure cooker for cooking rice,lentils,pulses.It will save lots of units of electricity.

If you want to just make rough paste of any veggies or pulses use stone mortar instead of grinder,blender.

Try to reuse curries from yesterday in your pasta dish,rice dish or in sandwiches too.

If your fruits are becoming more raw try to make jams,smoothies with it instead of throwing in the bin.If thier still rotten you can make a compost of it which not only gives good nutrients to plants but also minerals too.

Try not to waste water if your not using it.

Last but not the least planning your week ahead.My working moms tip has helped me a lot to save lots of money and helped me stop unnecassary spending of money too.

Monday — Just cook Rice/Noodles with vegetable mixture(different veggies).

Tuesday — Porridge day (Oats,Millets,Barley,Maize)

Wednesday — Pasta day(with veggies,minced meat,chicken,fish..etc)

Thursday — -Pizza day.

Friday — — Homemade pattie with burger.

Saturday — -Raw food day(Raw salad) with veggies.

Sunday — Any food selected by you or recipe from the whole week leftovers from the refrigerator..

Always try to plan kitchen cooking.This makes you stressfree and gives you obesityfree diet.

Happy Cooking folks.




I am a mother,Employee and I love writing.I am living with my family in Scandinavia.I would like to share my daily experiences and my stories through writing.